Tune You Piano: What To Know
So, you're ready to call a piano tuner nearby to schedule a piano tuning. That's great. Congratulations on accepting a responsibility that so many people overlook. For reasons already mentioned , tuning your piano on a regular basis is crucial for the health of your piano. There are a few questions you might anticipate being asked by your piano tuner, including: What is the make and model of your piano? Are you the original owner of your piano? How old is your piano? How long have you owned your piano? When was the last time your piano was serviced and what work was done? Don't be concerned if you are not able to answer any of these but they may be of interest to your tuner, especially how long it's been since your piano was last tuned. Just find a piano tuner near you, make the call, and allow the piano tuner to ask questions as he or she sees fit. Some piano tuners may express a little more interest in asking certain questions. We have a passion for pianos and it...